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it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…charles dickens couldn’t have known that those words would apply not only to the french revolution but also to a digital age over 150 years later (maybe that’s why it’s arguably the best selling book of all time.)  by way of illustration, let’s take my now expired stint at the great empire – it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…and it was ultimately time to close this chapter of my life and start a new one.  by invitation from an old acquaintance, i headed down for some r&r in santa barbara where i hiked waterfalls, biked wine trails, and of course consumed enough calories to more than make up for the efforts.  mattei’s is one such purveyor set in an quaint 1886 stage coach stop.  most noteworthy was the roasted bone marrow – conjuring memories of st. john (*note to other marrow makers – *always* garnish with parsley and picked onions!), but there’s more folks…HASHBROWN accompaniment!  gone are the days of toasted baguette, fried potato is where it’s at.

 mattei 7:14: For the plate is small and the nome is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who deny it

mattei 7:14: For the plate is small and the bone is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who deny it